How To Stop Google from recording your search activities and clear History

Google take records of everything you've ever searched for on and when you are logged in to any of the google products such as Gmail, blogger, YouTube and so on, the data collection becomes even more personal this is because your identity and every other detail now comes into picture. This tutorial will help you turn it off and erase every data that might have been collected before now.

Google actually has good intentions for doing this, just like every other service companies out there - knowing your users is inevitable in order to make best impacts and moreover, your search queries on search engines can go a long way to provide information about who you really are. 

I know you might have been wondering why they collect such data; it is simply to provide you with adverts that will definitely be of importance to you but at the same time, such data collection can go a long way in exposing your privacy as we all know that certain clothes are not spread under the sun according to a popular adage in Nigeria - (if you know what i mean)

Therefore, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to turn it off and prevent future records so your privacy online can be truly private.

How To stop  Google Web History

If you want to stop google from collecting data on your web search history, here's what to do

1. Make sure you are already logged in to a Google products; it could be gmail, youtube, blogger, google plus e.t.c
2. Visit this link>>>
3. Locate the gear icon at the top-right corner of the page, click it and select "settings" from the drop down menu as seen in the screen shot below

How To prevent Google from recording your search activities and clear your search history
4. On the next page, Click turn Off and that would stop Google from collecting further data on your search activities

Now that you have turned off Google web history, what happens to the data that has been collected before, would you like to delete it? If yes! Let's continue then

How To Clear already Collected web history Data by Google

In this part 2 of the tutorial, you have two options which is either to clear certain parts of the history or delete the whole search history. See picture below

If you choose to clear "recent activity", a page showing your recent search history by date opens, you can just select the date then delete but if you choose to "delete all", simply click it and confirm your choice in the pop-up window that shows up after - see screenshot below

You can now enjoy your privacy.  Cheers!

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