How To Install Instagram and Temple Run on Blackberry

The latest upgrade of Blackberry 10 to 10.2.1 now allows Blackberry devices running this new update to install and use Android Apps such as Instagram and Temple run. So if you have been thinking of sharing your pix on instagram or running endlessly with temple run but you've always been disappointed because it is unavailable in the Blackberry world, here's just what you need to do.

NB: You must have upgraded your Blackberry iOS to 10.2.1 before you can continue.


To Install Temple Run on Blackberry
1. Simply click on Download instagram 
2. After successful download, locate the .apk file in the Folder you have saved it in then click on it to install.
3. Launch the application after installing and you are good to go.

How To Install Instagram and Temple run on Blackberry
To Install Instagram on Blackberry
1. Click on Download Instagram
2. Follow the instructions in 2 and 3 above

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